2016 Registration

2016 Registration Form

Return this form before June 6, 2016 with check payable to:  H-B Family Reunion.  Mail to Linda Binns, HBF 2016 Reunion, 3617 Old Post Court, San Angelo, TX 76904

Address ________________________  Telephone ________________

City/State / Zip ____________________            Email ________________________

Give full names of those attending (for name tags) and circle family branches

Family Member _______________________ Elizabeth Anton Joe William Ben Guest

Spouse (if applicable)__________________________ Elizabeth Anton Joe William Ben Guest

Names of Children Attending 16+ __________________________________________

Names of Children Under 16  ________________________________________

Name of family members(s) over 80  ______________________

Others attending – Guest/relationship _______________________________

___ Number attending age 16 and over for Sat/Sun preregistration @ $14.00         $_______

At the Door $16.00                  $ _______

Dance included in registration.  A registration fee of $14.00 / $16.00

will be charged whether you attend one day or both days.


___Number of plates for Saturday Supper @  $9 each                                            $_______

___Number of plates for Sunday lunch @  $9 each                                                  $_______

Total enclosed          $_________

I will help with Registration Sign in _________, Souvenirs ________, Book Sale ________,

Display Room ________, Raffle _______, Silent Auction ________, or Children’s Area ______.


Everyone is asked to bring a silent auction item. Folks who live in the proximity of New Braunfels are asked to bring a dessert/pastries for Saturday Afternoon Coffee time.
Contacts for the Reunion

Linda Binns, Committee Chair, lindagbinns@gmail.com, cell phone (325) 374-4371

Barbara Fuchs, Registration, bjfuchs2000@yahoo.com, phone (432) 397-2215


REMEMBER Preregistration is open until June 6, 2016