2018 Reunion


Family Ties


Dear Family Members

What ties us all together? Our family history and what better way to share, learn and celebrate but to attend the Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family Reunion to be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 23 and 24, 2018 in San Angelo, Texas    The reunion will be held at the KC Hall, 3636 N. Bryant, San Angelo, Texas.

San Angelo is the home for Goodfellow AFB, Angelo State University and Fort Concho. Make plans to visit the planetarium at ASU, Fort Concho on Oaks street, Concho Street Stores and art, and the internationally acclaimed waterlilies. As you drive around the town look for the painted sheep and when you are downtown look for the 13-large murals on various buildings.

If you come on Friday, plan a trip to Rowena, Olfen and Wall to visit the local churches and families.

The Reunion

This invitation includes a schedule of activities, a registration form for pre-registration, and a list of hotels/motels.

Pre-registration is recommended so sufficient food, chairs, and tables can be provided for your convenience. Pre-registration will be open until June 15, 2018.

Display Room: Open except late Saturday evening and during the Mass on Sunday Morning. Reba Ott, H-B Custodian of Family Records, will bring a vast number of historical items for display. You are invited to bring your photos or mementos for display also.

Souvenirs: Mementos of the reunion will be on sale during the reunion, including t-shirts, caps, dominos, and mugs.

Book Sale: We still have an inventory of Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family Books so they will be available for your purchase during the reunion.

Raffle: Hope you will buy tickets for a beautiful handmade quilt, quilt rack, crochet throw, $100 Gift card, and HB Book.

Silent Auction: A silent auction is planned for Saturday. Donations to the silent auction will be welcomed.

Children’s Activities: Several Activities planned.

 VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO ASSIST IN THESE ACTIVITIES  Please check the block on reservation form where you can assist.



  Saturday, June 23th                                                                                Sunday, June 24th


1:00 p.m.   Registration, visiting, snacks,                              8:30 a.m.   Hall opens for registration and

              and refreshments.                                                                               coffee.

Afternoon   Children’s area, domino tournament             9:30 a.m.   Family Reunion Mass,

4:00 p.m.   Board Meeting                                                         10:30 a.m. Panoramic Photo**            

6:00 p.m.   Dinner served, $12.00 per plate                       11:30 a.m.Sunday Lunch $10.00 per plate

7-11 p.m.  Dancing with Gary Nix and                                    1:00 p.m.   Family Meeting, recognitions,     

And West Texas Band                                                                   drawing, announcements and adjournment

**After the 9:30 Mass on Sunday, pictures will be taken for those over 80 and a Panoramic Photo by Loudermilk Panoramics of the reunion attendees.