First Reunion Meeting

Hoelscher Reunion Meeting

The first Hoelscher Reunion Meeting was held Sunday, October 11, 1953, at 10 A.M., at the Westphalia Community Hall with 26 present.  The meeting was opened with a prayer by Rev. R. P. Schertz.

Mr. Ed Hoelscher was elected to act as Temporary Chairman and the other officers were elected as follows:

Edward G. Hoelscher, Rowena, Texas                     General Chairman

Mrs. Johnnie Moeller, Rt. 3, Lott, Texas                 Local Chairman

Clarence Hoelscher, Rosebud, Texas                       Secretary

Ed Hoelscher, Rowena, Texas                                     Treasurer

Several plans were read by Mrs. Johnnie Moeller in regards to having the first Reunion and ways of serving the meals.  It was decided by vote of all these present to serve a Barbecue Lunch at noon, and if an evening meal was served, it would consist of sandwiches and cold drinks.

It was discussed as to the place where the first Reunion would be held, and it was finally decided by vote to have it in Westphalia, Texas the first week in July, 1954.

A general discussion was in order as to the appointment of a local chairman in each community that would be represented at the Reunion.  At the close of this discussion, the meeting adjourned to meet at some later date at the call of the General Chairman.

Clarence Hoelscher
