2012 Reunion Took us Back to Our Roots by Leonard Buxkemper
“Wilkommen bei Cummins Creek Settlement, jetzi Frailsburg, wo alles in der Sprache unserer Vorfahren begann.”
Welcoe to Cummins Creek Settlement now Frellsburg where it all began in the language of our forefathers. That was the greeting given by the host of the Family Reunion on Sunday morning, June 24, 2012, at the Knights of Columbus Hall at Columbus, Texas.
The Reunion began on Sturday at 2:00 p.m. The family and guests were greeted at the Registration Booth with a ribbon according to their family colors which they placed on the tree in the middle of the hall to show the connection of the relatives to one another. Those attending were 260 from Elizabeth, 220 from Joseph, 125 from Anton, Jr., 48 from William, and 98 from Ben, and 54 guests. Everyone was given the opportunity to visit the grave of Mary Catherine, daughter and others in Frelsburg as well as the location of the place where the Hoelscher Family first settled in 1847. The tree has been planted in Frelsburg about 150 ft from the grave of Mary Catherine. Henry Hoelscher was in charge of touring the homestead of Anton Hoelscher, Jr. which included their first house (a log house) and the plaque about a half mile from the Anton Hoelscher, Jr gravesite.
A dance on Saturday was enjoyed by all. The Donnie Wavra Orchestra provided the music for the dance as well as the Polka Mass on Sunday morning which was celecbrated by family member, Msgr. Elmer Holtman.
Mary events, included visitation of the many historical articles, domino tournament, chilldrens’ attractions, and a picture of everyone in attendance were some of the activities that kept everyone excited and glad to have been a part of the family.
805 relative and guests gathered for the occasion. A couple from Japan came from afar as well as from the states of California, Oregon, Washington State, Massachusetts and Arkansas to name a few.
For those who missed this Reunion you will have the opportunity to meet your relatives in Temple, Texas, on July 5th and 6th, 2014.